Beulah Africa

Beulah Africa Foundation is a non-profit company that brings practical community-based solutions to Africa’s socio-economic development challenges. Changing lives and transforming communities through holistic community development programme implementation and management.

Beulah Africa Foundation is a B-BBEE Level 1 company with a majority share (51%) in two of its associate Beulah Africa companies, namely Beulah Africa Training (B-BBEE Level 2) and Beulah Africa Consulting (B-BBEE Level 2). Beulah Africa Foundation is also a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO number 930 048 432), allowing tax benefits (Section18A certificates) for all individuals and corporate sponsors and 100% Socio-Economic Development recognition for B-BBEE Points.


Africa is a blessed continent. It is overflowing with the potential for wealth, innovation, and inspiration. And yet our current reality in the continent and country is unfortunately not reflecting this potential. Our story is still painted with poverty, brokenness and dependencies.

As Beulah Africa, we firmly believe that this picture can and should change. We are motivated by hope and compelled by love to play a role in Africa’s transformation. We exist to unearth the potential that lives in its people’s hearts and land.


The Beulah Africa vision is to “see Africa Beulified”. This means that African people and communities should become all they were created to be, radiant with hope, faith, joy, and love. To live free from material and relational poverty and experience peace and social cohesion. Being resilient, empowered and less vulnerable. And ultimately, to be empowered to take ownership and lead their development journey.
We see our vision executed by us being the preferred partner to private-, public- and civil- role players concerning Africa’s development. Bringing about sustainable systemic change. This is done primarily through:

  • Raising the next generation of African community development leaders; and
  • Executing excellent socio-economic projects for genuine impact and transformation.